Category: Uncategorized

  • 7 Gift Ideas to Thank a Friend

    7 Gift Ideas to Thank a Friend

    Saying “thank you” to a friend goes beyond words—it’s about showing appreciation for their kindness, support, or simply being there when you needed them most. Whether it’s for a small gesture or a life-changing favor, a thoughtful gift can speak volumes and make your gratitude feel extra special. But finding the perfect gift that truly…

  • What To Say To A Friend Who Won’t Talk To You (7 Text Examples)

    What To Say To A Friend Who Won’t Talk To You (7 Text Examples)

    If you’re struggling to cope and deal with a friend who is ignoring you, I can help. I’ve been through this before, and having overcome some tumultuous problems in my friendships, I’m equipped with some incredible knowledge on conflict resolution. I also have a law degree, so I know a thing or two about arguing…

  • Double Texting: When And How To Do It Without Being Needy

    Double Texting: When And How To Do It Without Being Needy

    The temptation to send a second text when someone doesn’t reply to you is sometimes overwhelming. The more invested you are in the conversation, the harder it is to resist double texting. The issue we face is one that deals with desperation and neediness. Romantically speaking, desperation and neediness do not facilitate the development or…

  • How To Let Go Of A Friend You Love (Step-By-Step)

    How To Let Go Of A Friend You Love (Step-By-Step)

    I’ve had to let go of a friend that I’ve grown up with. We knew each other for decades, but our friendship didn’t last. What allowed me to let go and move on without regret was how I dealt with our friendship, especially during it’s final breath. This article is going to provide you with…

  • Does Silence Make a Man Miss You? (A Detailed Explanation)

    Does Silence Make a Man Miss You? (A Detailed Explanation)

    Relationship dynamics can be complex and multifaceted, and everyone yearns for the feeling of being missed by their partner. One effective strategy often advised in the sphere of romance is to employ periods of silence as a means to create a sense of desire and longing. But does silence make a man miss you? In…

  • How To Tell Your Crush You Like Her (Step-By-Step)

    How To Tell Your Crush You Like Her (Step-By-Step)

    Having a crush on someone can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. The inclination to express your feelings is normal but it’s important to approach the situation with confidence and sincerity. While there’s no foolproof method, I can give you some solid advice on how to tell your crush that you like her. …

  • 21 Essential Questions For A New Relationship

    21 Essential Questions For A New Relationship

    Starting a new relationship is an exciting and wonderful experience. As you get to know someone on a deeper level, it’s important to ask the right questions to establish a strong foundation and ensure compatibility. This article is going to provide you with a list of 21 essential questions for a new relationship. One of…

  • 15 Signs Your Friend Doesn’t Care About You

    15 Signs Your Friend Doesn’t Care About You

    One of the core tenets of a healthy and fulfilling existence is the fostering of a beautiful bond with friends. Friendships with good people enrich our lives and provide support, laughter, and companionship.However, not all friendships last, and unfortunately, there might come a time when you start to question whether your friend cares about you.…

  • Why Do I Struggle To Take Action? (3 Main Reasons)

    Why Do I Struggle To Take Action? (3 Main Reasons)

    Why do I struggle to take action? It’s a question that has bothered me for as long as I can remember. I know what I need to do – whether it’s finishing that book that’s been sitting on my desk for weeks or sticking to my working routine – but for some odd reason, being…

  • 7 Types of People We Need In Our Life!

    7 Types of People We Need In Our Life!

    The journey we tread in life sometimes reminds me of an obstacle course. I say this because as we walk the pathway through some of the trials and tribulations that God sets in our course, it brings me to a very interesting observation that I have experienced in my life. I could not help but…

  • Why Is It Important For Children To Be Independent? (Answered)

    Why Is It Important For Children To Be Independent? (Answered)

    With the joy of parenthood, comes the utmost responsibility for your little bundle of joy to thrive in this harsh world. That is why one of the top priorities in raising our babies to adulthood is the criteria that they grow into self-reliant positive independent individuals. Be that as it may, why is it important…

  • How To Accept People As They Are (6 Amazing Tips)

    How To Accept People As They Are (6 Amazing Tips)

    There is a saying, no two fingers are exactly alike. This is so true. Yet, most people don’t know how to accept people as they are. People are complex, complicated creatures. All over the world, people tend to spend time closely with loved ones, family, and friends who share the same race, religion, and ethnic…

  • Why Is My Friend Avoiding Me? (Reasons And Solutions)

    Why Is My Friend Avoiding Me? (Reasons And Solutions)

    Why is my friend avoiding me? That was a question I received recently via email and I thought that it would make for an interesting topic to discuss. The sharp frantic pace of most of our human lives is a frenzy as we rush around daily trying to keep time to the hectic schedules of…

  • How To Ask Someone If They Need Help (3 Incredible Tips)

    How To Ask Someone If They Need Help (3 Incredible Tips)

    We live in a world that is plagued with challenges. It is very easy for us as human beings to feel that we are standing at a precipice of falling into a deep dark pit of the unknown, this feeling of helplessness can push many of us into that darkness of desolation. I have found…

  • How To Ask Someone A Question Without Them Getting Mad (7 Epic Tips)

    How To Ask Someone A Question Without Them Getting Mad (7 Epic Tips)

    One of the most useful skills to hone is the art of communicating with people. Your approach to conversations can and should be altered depending on a person-by-person basis. In today’s article, I’m going to talk about how to ask someone a question without them getting mad. You would think that it comes naturally to…

  • What To Do When You Are Going Through Hardship! (5 Epic Tips)

    What To Do When You Are Going Through Hardship! (5 Epic Tips)

    Hardship is a test from the Almighty. For me, that is God. For you, it could be the Universe or whatever you believe in. But, hardship and uncertainty are most certainly a test and an opportunity for you to grow. Will you grow through it or will you medicate yourself with excuses? In today’s article,…

  • When Someone Gets Mad At You For Something They Did

    When Someone Gets Mad At You For Something They Did

    Roman philosopher and statesman Seneca of the first century described anger as a form of madness. I would be so inclined as to agree.  There are those amongst us who operate from a space of madness. It’s not what we do that angers them.  We merely present a reason for such anger and madness to…

  • What To Do When You Feel Left Out? (Most Effective Solutions)

    What To Do When You Feel Left Out? (Most Effective Solutions)

    Whether you’re a teen or an adult, you never stop feeling the desire to be connected and wanted by those you care about. It can hurt when you find out that these very same people who you cherish leave you out of events, hangouts and experiences without any explanation. In this article, I want to…

  • How To Deal With A Friend Who Is Ignoring You

    How To Deal With A Friend Who Is Ignoring You

    Things could have been going great recently with a friend until they weren’t and it suddenly dawns on you that your friend is ignoring you.  Or they may have been distant and giving you the cold shoulder lately and I totally understand, it sucks!  The continuous act of ignoring your messages or attempts to make…

  • How To Apologize To A Friend Who Is Mad At You

    How To Apologize To A Friend Who Is Mad At You

    At some point or the other, you’re going to have an argument or misunderstanding with your friend and it’s going to turn bad. Perhaps, you tried apologizing but it didn’t work. If so, it’s really likely that your apology was not good enough. And so, in this article, I’m going to share some tips on how…

  • How To Deal With Jealous Friends

    How To Deal With Jealous Friends

    Everyone will find a friend who experiences jealousy over you at some point or the other. It may not be toxic at first but can quickly become so. They start to treat you differently and the friendship suffers. If this is something you can relate to, then in this article I’m going to share my…

  • How To Ask Someone If They Have A Problem With You

    How To Ask Someone If They Have A Problem With You

    Problem-solving skills are essential in every single social situation and yet we aren’t really taught how to do it properly. For this reason alone, far too many people end up in terrible fights and arguments. To prevent this from happening, I want to share some advice on how to ask someone if they have a…

  • What To Do When Your Friend Won’t Respond

    What To Do When Your Friend Won’t Respond

    Most of the relationships and friendships in your life won’t last. I don’t mean to sound so negative but it’s just one of the truths of life. Be that as it may, we shouldn’t just give up on friendships without putting up a fight. So, in this article, I want to share some of my…

  • How To Know When A Friendship Is Over

    How To Know When A Friendship Is Over

    Recently, I came across a quote that took me by surprise because it rings so true – “Most of the relationships in your life will end.” I’m the kind of person who never wants to give up on a friendship but some of them can’t be saved. It sucks but it’s true. Here’s how to…

  • Why Honesty Is Important In Friendship

    Why Honesty Is Important In Friendship

    A friendship will never last without honesty. It is the glue that keeps us together and it’s one of the most valuable possessions in any relationship. In this article, I want to discuss all the reasons why honesty is important in a friendship. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that a friendship will never…

  • How To Know If Your Friend Is Mad At You

    How To Know If Your Friend Is Mad At You

    There isn’t a single friendship that is perfect in this world. From time to time, you are bound to make your friend mad and vice versa. But, not being aware of this can have long-term problems for the friendship. So, in this article, I’m going to share some of the signs on how to know if…

  • What Does It Mean To Live A Healthy Lifestyle?

    What Does It Mean To Live A Healthy Lifestyle?

    To live a healthy lifestyle, you must prioritize habits and routines that promote good physical and mental health. This entails eating good food, sleeping adequately, exercising and studying to feed your mind. I would also add the pursuit of spirituality is an integral part of living a healthy lifestyle. The goal should be to treat…

  • Why Can’t I Study At Home? Reasons and Solutions

    Why Can’t I Study At Home? Reasons and Solutions

    You sit at your desk, pull open your laptop and flip through your textbook ready to learn. But, you lose focus and struggle to make any progress. This keeps happening and it’s stressing you out. Now, you keep asking yourself the same frustrating question, why can’t I study at home? You can’t study at home because…

  • How To Be More Present And Live In The Moment

    How To Be More Present And Live In The Moment

    “If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.“ — Masaru Emoto I’ve always been a chronic worrier. If I’m not dealing…

  • Why Is My Crush Ignoring Me? (7 Major Reasons)

    Why Is My Crush Ignoring Me? (7 Major Reasons)

    Having a crush is a thrilling experience but there are many downsides to it as well. Like not knowing if they’re ever going to pay you attention or getting your feelings hurt when they start dating someone else. It’s sort of a roller coaster, one moment you feel thrilled to see them and then there…

  • Why Is My Best Friend So Jealous Of Me?

    Why Is My Best Friend So Jealous Of Me?

    When your best friend starts to act funny with you, it can come as a huge surprise. This is the person who’s always been there for you through thick and thin but it can be confusing and hurtful when that same friend starts acting particularly weird around you. There are many reasons why your best…

  • Can Friends Go On A Date? (All You Need To Know About Dating A Friend)

    Can Friends Go On A Date? (All You Need To Know About Dating A Friend)

    Dating someone new can be a thrilling experience but it’s bound to feel stressful to a certain extent. You might have been through all the ups and downs in a previous relationship that didn’t work, eo you’ll probably have to carry all that weight while you prepare to date someone new. But when it comes…

  • Should I Forgive My Friend? (Everything You Must Know)

    Should I Forgive My Friend? (Everything You Must Know)

    They say forgiveness can make you a better person but what they don’t say is that sometimes forgiveness can be taken for granted. Some friends might not even appreciate your forgiveness while others crave nothing more, but where does this leave you? No can make the decision if you should forgive your friend but you…

  • My Friend Won’t Talk To Me After A Fight

    My Friend Won’t Talk To Me After A Fight

    You had a fall out with your friend over something, you thought that once things cooled down, everything would be okay. But, it isn’t. Perhaps weeks have gone by and now you’re lost for words trying to understand why my friend won’t talk to me after a fight. Evidently, your friend is still upset and…

  • How Do Fake Friends Act? 13 Signs To Lookout For

    How Do Fake Friends Act? 13 Signs To Lookout For

    When you’re close with someone, it’s hard to pick up on the obvious signs that may be staring you in your face especially when you’re incredibly fond of this person. You would like to think the best of them and possibly make excuses when they seem strange but at some point, you’re going to wonder…

  • Why Is My Friend Ignoring My Texts?

    Why Is My Friend Ignoring My Texts?

    Very few things suck as much as a good friend ignoring your texts. You may not have realized it at first. They may have been busy until you start getting concerned. Which begs the question, why is my friend ignoring my texts? There are a number of possibilities why your friend is ignoring your texts. For…

  • Can You Have Two Best Friends? (Pros and Cons)

    Can You Have Two Best Friends? (Pros and Cons)

    Having one best friend is a goal for many people but having the opportunity to have more than one friend is a true blessing you should grab. Yes, you can definitely have two best friends rather than one. In fact, the positives of doing so outweigh the negatives. When you have two best friends, this…

  • Is It Rude Not To Reply To A Text Message?

    Is It Rude Not To Reply To A Text Message?

    Two or three decades ago, you wouldn’t find many people running into the question, is it rude not to reply to a text message? Here’s the truth.  Depending on the circumstances, yes and no. It’s rude not to reply to a text message from family, friends or work colleagues who reached out to check up…

  • Why Do Friends Change? (Plus 4 Easy Ways To Cope)

    Why Do Friends Change? (Plus 4 Easy Ways To Cope)

    Change is inevitable. They say a friendship can experience a change after 7 years for multiple reasons but for some, this could happen much sooner than expected. It’s not uncommon to be blinded sided when you notice your friend acting differently and more standoffish than they normally would. Depending on the situation and careful analysis,…

  • 4 Major Reasons Why You Are The Friend That Gets Left Out

    4 Major Reasons Why You Are The Friend That Gets Left Out

    Feeling left out in a crowd or particularly not invited to hang out with your friends can feel like a kick in the gut. It’s truly a terrible feeling that I don’t wish on anyone and if you have experienced this on multiple occasions, I’m sure you know how painful it can be. Not to…

  • When Should You Give Up On A Friendship?

    When Should You Give Up On A Friendship?

    Being in a friendship with someone you trusted and relied on for many years can be heartbreaking when things go wrong. Over time you may have experienced some sort of change or shift that has affected the way you are with each other and this could be for a number of reasons. But does this…

  • How To Deal With Friends That Keep Secrets From You

    How To Deal With Friends That Keep Secrets From You

    Feeling offended and rejected by friends that keep secrets from you is a natural reaction. It sucks when someone you genuinely care about withholds information about themselves from you. It makes you feel insecure. Why do my friends not trust me? Are we not as closely connected as I thought? Ironically, it may have nothing to…

  • How To Know If A Friendship Is Worth Saving

    How To Know If A Friendship Is Worth Saving

    Feeling like you don’t know where you stand anymore in a particular friendship is an incredibly tough place to be where at times it feels like being on an emotional roller coaster. You can often feel let down, hurt, lonely or worse – blame yourself for the way things are with your friend currently. Not…

  • How Do You Know If A Friendship Is Over? (10 Obvious Ways)

    How Do You Know If A Friendship Is Over? (10 Obvious Ways)

    Accepting that a friendship is over might prove to be more challenging than anything else especially if you were truly close to this person at one point in your life. However, it’s not as easy to recognize and know when a friendship is over but there’s this distinct feeling you get. An obvious and clear…

  • Should Friends Be Honest With Each Other?

    Should Friends Be Honest With Each Other?

    There are many reasons why friends should be honest with each other however, there are a few cases when you should be careful when being honest with a friend. However, does this mean friends should always be honest with each other? Absolutely. A friendship that encourages honesty is easier to maintain than those that are built…

  • How To Be Less Jealous Of Your Friends: 10 Easy Ways

    How To Be Less Jealous Of Your Friends: 10 Easy Ways

    Almost everyone has experienced some sort of jealousy but it’s those that don’t act on their jealousy are the true winners. This does not mean you’re a bad person for feeling this way towards your friends but we often confuse these feelings rather than accepting them for what they are. The best way to be…

  • Is My Friend Using Me For Money?

    Is My Friend Using Me For Money?

    A true friend needs nothing more than your friendship. Whether there are any benefits to it or not, that friendship is never reliant on anything other than the mutually shared bond. Much like any relationship, it’s built on mutual effort. Usually, the currency is time and attention. But, in some cases, it’s money. And that’s…

  • How To Deal With Friends That Get Mad When You Say No

    How To Deal With Friends That Get Mad When You Say No

    Friends who get mad or upset when you say no to them can easily turn the tables and make it seem like you are the problem. They may even start to treat you badly simply because they can’t get their way. There is also a certain type of friend who may refuse to take ‘no’…

  • 5 Things You Can Do If Your Friends Don’t Like You

    5 Things You Can Do If Your Friends Don’t Like You

    When someone doesn’t like you, it’s so easy to feel like it’s your fault. You start to feel bad and doubt yourself while trying to figure out why your friends don’t like you and how to fix it. The very first step you should take is figuring out the possible reasons for their dislike before…

  • Is It OK To Have No Friends? Everything You Should Know

    Is It OK To Have No Friends? Everything You Should Know

    With so many people around you that always seem to have a friend, it’s hard not to notice when you’re obviously alone. But does this mean it’s okay to not have friends even when everyone tells you to? Absolutely. Having no friends is not the end of the world. Many people will go through a…